Technical requirements for wireless body area networks (WBANs) quiz#
Exercise 129
Which is/are correct about what the authors claim in the abstract?
WBAN stands for wireless body analysis networks.
The paper presents two security vulnerabilities they found in WBANs and propose a new WBAN architecture that helps to enhance data privacy.
The paper provides a review of recent WBAN applications in medicine around 2022.
The paper not only provides a literature review but also presents a new chip-based WBAN scheme.
Solution to Exercise 129
3, 4
Exercise 130
Which is/are correct?
WBAN-based solutions can help to prevent chronic diseases. These diseases effect at the end the elderly population most.
WBAN’s range is limited to 2 m.
WBAN nodes must only sense data but not act on the body.
Examples for WBAN sensors are ECG, EEG, blood pressure
WBANs are still in development
WBAN’s core technology is based on networks and telecommunication.
Solution to Exercise 130
WBANs are combination of multiple disciplines.
Exercise 131
Which is/are correct about WBAN architecture?
WBAN nodes typically form a star network around a central node
WBAN sensors typically directly connect to an internet gateway
Can be divided into three tiers
The last tier’s border can end at a server
Solution to Exercise 131
WBAN applications for health monitoring#
Exercise 132
Which is/are correct?
The article categorizes medical applications into implantable and not-implantable ones.
A wearable textile antenna for breast cancer imaging can be seen as a WBAN node.
Wi-Fi, cellular, Bluetooth and ZigBee are typically used in WBAN devices according to the article.
Hearing aid requires less bandwidth than an accelerometer.
Solution to Exercise 132
1, 2, 3
WBAN sensor techniques#
Exercise 133
Which is/are correct?
A temperature sensor has a high data rate.
A carbon dioxide sensor has a low data rate.
A blood pressure sensor has a high data rate.
Solution to Exercise 133
Wireless transmission in WBANs#
Exercise 134
Which is/are correct?
WBANs are typically designed for ~1 kW peak power
WBANs are designed for short-range, low-cost and low-power communication
Medical device radio communications band is an unlicensed part which is a reserved spectrum in the ISM band.
A Implant to implant communication channel typically suffers different path loss than a body surface to external communication channel.
One of the difficulties with designing a reliable WBAN is that WBANs suffer from multi-path fading.
Path loss in WBANs can be neglected, because WBANs have typically a range of 3 m.
Multiple wireless devices can transmit data without disturbing other nodes by transmitting data only in a specific periodic time interval.
The design of the physical layer (PHY), media access layer (MAC) and upper networking layers affects the power consumption of WBANs.
Solution to Exercise 134
2, 4, 7, 8
WBANs significantly suffer from shadowing by the body, so path loss can change significantly.
Security and privacy#
Exercise 135
Which is/are correct?
WBANs transmit private information and these data can be intercepted by any wireless device that is in the proximity.
Authentication and encryption are two aspects of security
Biometric data can be useful for security.
Solution to Exercise 135
1, 2, 3
Energy efficiency#
Exercise 136
Which is/are correct?
WBAN sensors tend to be small in size, which affects the battery size.
WBAN devices require energy to operate. So they must use a battery as energy source.
Frequent change of batteries is not possible in implants.
Solution to Exercise 136
1, 3