IQ sampling#
Covered topics:
IQ-, complex-, or quadrature sampling
many digital receivers use this
more complex than regular digital sampling
Nyquist sampling
complex numbers
RF carriers
power spectral density
Sampling basics#
we sample
audio with a microphone
radio waves with an antenna
Exercise 59
Which electronic device helps us to sample the voltage levels provided by an antenna?
sample period
regular interval that we wait after each sample
inverse of sample rate
Exercise 60
Imagine we are sampling a signal \(S(t)\) with a sample period of \(T\). What would be the mathematical representation of the values that we sample?
Nyquist sampling#
How fast must we sample?
Exercise 61
How do the sampled values look like if we sample a sine signal with the frequency \(f\) with a sample rate of \(f\)?
Exercise 62
Which sample rate should we use to reconstruct a signal accurately?
How is this sample rate called?
noise floor
a measure that represents all the sum of all the noise sources
Demo: show noise floor on a spectrogram
phenomenon that happens if we don’t sample fast enough
SDRs filter out frequencies above the half of the sampling rate before sampling
Quadrature sampling#
two waves that are 90 degrees out of phase
Exercise 63
What kind of function (shape) do we get if we add two sinusoids, e.g., a \(\sin\) and \(\cos\) with different amplitudes and phases?
I stands for in-phase
Q stands for quadrature (90 degrees out of phase)
we can control both the phase and the amplitude using I and Q
we don’t have to deal directly with the phase
we just adjust the amplitudes I and Q
in the IQ circuit we only have to have a constant shifter of 90 degrees
Complex numbers#
imaginary part corresponds to \(Q\)
real part corresponds to \(I\)
Exercise 64
You want to create a signal with
What is the amplitude and the phase of the generated signal?
Exercise 65
Even we are working with complex numbers, we cannot transmit something imaginary. What does the imaginary component of the complex number represent (in context of quadrature sampling)?
Complex numbers in FFTs#
Exercise 66
When we FFT an input signal, we get a series of complex numbers. What so the components of these complex numbers represent?
What happens when we create quadrature signals from these complex numbers?
Receiver side#
receiver multiplies the input signal with a
sinusoid to get the \(I\)
quadrature of the sinusoid to get the \(Q\)
each sample of the SDR gives us \(I\) and \(Q\)
Exercise 67
How many real numbers do you get when you have a sample rate of 1 MHz?
we can receive & transmit complex integers or floats
Carrier and downconversion#
carrier frequency
is the center frequency of a signal that we send
carrier signal
carrier, because it carries our signal on a certain frequency
(2) shows the analogy between a signal representation and IQ values.
Exercise 68
You have a carrier signal with a frequency \(f\). You tune your SDR to the frequency \(f\). What do the received I and Q values mean?
FM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LTE, GPS
carrier frequency 100 MHz - 6 GHz
microwave ovens use 2.4 GHz like Wi-Fi.
visible light 500 THz
we don’t use antennas, but LEDs to transmit at these frequencies
radio frequency (RF)
20 kHz - 300 GHz
at these frequencies electric current can radiate off the antenna
frequencies > 6 GHz have been used for radar and satellite
now in 5G
if we change IQ values of a carrier signal, we modulate the carrier signal
if we change the frequency of the carrier, we have a frequency modulation FM
Exercise 69
Imagine you have to sample a Wi-Fi signal at 5 GHz.
What must be your sampling rate?
What is the alternative if you cannot sample at this frequency, because your ADC cannot catch up?
\(I \cos(2\pi ft) + Q \sin(2\pi ft)\) => \(I\) and \(Q\)
after downconversion, in the frequency domain
our spectrum gets centered at 0 Hz
we get signals around 100 kHz - 40 MHz
happens before transmission
Exercise 70
What do we have to do to downconvert a signal in an SDR?
Exercise 71
How do we calculate the wavelength of an RF signal?
What should be the length of an antenna if we want to receive a signal at a carrier frequency of \(f\)?
radio waves travel ~30cm per nanosecond
Receiver architectures#
direct sampling
direct through ADC
direct conversion
frequencies directly converted down to baseband (and then sampled)
also called zero-IF
IF stands for intermediate frequency
an IF filter suppresses out-of-channel (interfering) signals
non-zero IF
used in old radios
Exercise 72
What is the purpose of an LNA (low-noise amplifier) which is directly connected to the antenna?
Baseband and bandpass signals#
signal centered around 0 Hz
the opposite bandpass
signal not around 0 Hz
Exercise 73
Why can’t we transmit a bandpass signal?
Exercise 74
Even we cannot transmit a negative frequency directly, we can still modulate it. What happens with the negative frequency upon modulation? In other words, what does negative in this context mean?
Exercise 75
What is the motivation to work with baseband signals?
baseband signals are often complex signals
bandpass signals must be real signals
otherwise we cannot transmit
=> if you see that positive and negative frequencies are not identical, then we must have complex signals
reason: if we don’t have any imaginary component in our signal, then we don’t have any Q values. This in turn means that we only have cosine signals without any shift. A sum of cosine signals will be symmetrical around the y-axis and will have the same positive and negative components.
SDR devices will only give us a representation of the baseband signal
storing the whole RF would take lots of memory
we are anyway interested in a small portion of the spectrum
DC spike and offset tuning#
DC spike or DC offset or LO leakage
LO stands for local oscillator
downconverts the signal
large spike in the center of the baseband signal
observed in direct converters
they downconvert the signal using an LO
additional energy created through the combination of frequencies
difficult, because close to the desired output signal
built-in in SDR, however requires a signal
so a spike will be apparent when signal absent
alternative way of handling the DC offset
e.g., to view 5 MHz around 100 MHz
oversampling and off-tuning
20 MHz around 95 MHz
because 95 MHz is outside the spectrum that we want, we don’t get LO leakage
Sampling using our SDR#
Calculating average power#
We can use (3) for discrete complex signals:
In Python: np.mean(np.abs(x)**2)
We need the absolute value before squaring because we have a complex number.
For real numbers, squaring a negative number gives a positive result anyway, so we don’t need the absolute value operator. However, squaring complex numbers work differently.
If the signal has roughly zero mean, we can simply take np.var(x)
because (4) corresponds to the average power if the mean \(\mu\) is zero.
Calculating power spectral density#
also called PSD
the result of FFT – we already did this in Frequency domain.
uses dB: \(10 log_10\)