Analyzing the battery lifetime of a remote pain monitoring system

Analyzing the battery lifetime of a remote pain monitoring system#

You are working as an R&D engineer in a new startup that develop a wearable facial mask for pain monitoring based on the paper IoT-Based Remote Pain Monitoring System: From Device to Cloud Platform.

Technical description#

  • eight channel electromyography sensor sampling at 1 kHz

  • each sample 16 bit

  • transfers data to a cloud server via a gateway in real-time

  • weighs ~39 g, so long term monitoring comfortable

  • Li-Po battery

  • ADC (analog digital converter) consumes 8.2 mW


  • The device supports both cellular and Wi-Fi

    • NB-IoT, LTE Cat NB2, LTE band 20

  • Receiver and transmitter antenna are isotropic

  • Miscellaneous losses 5 dB


Analyze whether a 2000 mAh battery would be sufficient for the following scenarios and corresponding what-ifs. Come up with ideas for the individual scenario how to improve the battery life.

Your hardware designer colleague already mentioned:

Changing the battery is not an option 😐


  1. Hiking: A week long hiking trip Sweden. The nearest base station is in LOS and never further than 10 km away.

    • What if your colleague wants to change the number of channels to 12?

  2. City trip: The person strolls around town. The user is never further than 200 m from the nearest base station.

    • What if the base station is 400 m away?

  3. Hygge at home: The person is in the town, but home in the lowest floor of a four floor apartment . There is a base station 500 m away but on the other side of the building, so the signals have to penetrate about two concrete block walls.

  4. Hygge at home Wi-Fi: Compared to 3, Wi-Fi at 2.4 GHz is used. The furthest distance is 20 m to the router.

    • What if the user has shut down 2.4 GHz channel and only uses 5 GHz?


  • Submit a single PDF

    • must contain analyses to all of the scenarios.

    • should have short text which connects different sections, i.e., should be readable without sudden interruptions in the text flow.

  • The names of the contributing students are shown on the first site.

  • You have written your assumptions before calculations.

  • Used formulas are presented first, and the variables are substituted with the values in the second step.

  • It is clear whether a value is in dB or linear.