Frequency domain#


  • SDR

    • as a concept: to perform signal processing of radio signals using software

    • as a device: hardware that receives or transmits data for SDR software

  • DSP

    • digital processing of signals

Frequency domain#

  • signals are in the time domain in their natural form

    • we cannot sample a signal in the freq. domain

    • interesting stuff happens in the frequency domain

Fourier series#

  • any signal can be represented by summing together sine waves.

Exercise 40

You want to approximate the following signals by summing up sine waves with different frequencies. Which one requires more sine waves than others?

  • a constant signal like \(f(x) = 1\)

  • a sawtooth

  • an irregular signal like this

Exercise 41

\(f(x) = a \cos (b \cdot x + c)\)

Match each variable to its corresponding concept in signal processing:

  • \(a\) represents the _________

  • \(b\) is related to the _________

  • \(c\) determines the _________

  • delay

  • amplitude

  • phase

  • frequency

Time-frequency pairs#

Exercise 42

How many sine signals do we need to model an impulse signal?

  • a quick change in the time domain result in many frequencies occurring

Exercise 43

How would you model a constant signal \(f(x) = 2\) using a sum of cosine waves (sum of many \(a \cos(b\cdot x + c)\))?

Fourier transform#

  • time domain \(x(t)\)

    • frequency domain \(X(f)\)

Time-frequency properties#

  1. linearity

    • if we add two scaled signals in the time domain, then the addition and the scaling factors remain

  2. frequency shift

    • if I multiply a signal with a complex exponential signal \(e^{2 \pi j f_0 t}\), then this corresponds to a positive shift in the frequency domain of \(f_0\).

  • frequency shift is very useful for modulation

  1. scaling in time

    • if we compress the signal in the time domain using a factor of \(a\) (we increase the derivation), then the signal expands in the frequency domain. In other words, we increase the derivation and thus the frequency in the time domain and thus we need more and higher frequency components in the frequency domain

  2. convolution in time

    • convolution creates a new signal

    • convolution in time corresponds to a multiplication in the frequency domain

  3. convolution in frequency

    • we can reverse the operation

Exercise 44

The higher the data rate, the more spectrum bandwidth we require.

This fundamental relationship in signal processing is best explained by which time-frequency property of Fourier transforms?

  • linearity

  • frequency shift

  • scaling in time

  • convolution in time

Exercise 45

Which time-frequency property is most relevant when we want to mask or filter parts of a signal in the time domain?

  • linearity

  • frequency shift

  • scaling in time

  • convolution in time

  • imagine you want to get rid of a high frequency component of a signal.

    • => define a windowing function in the frequency domain and transform it to the time domain.

Fast Fourier transform (FFT)#

  • FFT is an algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transform

Exercise 46

  1. What is the significance of the fast FT (FFT) in digital systems?

  2. Why is it preferred over the standard discrete FT (DFT)?

  • if I put \(x\) samples into the FFT, I get \(x\) values out. What each component means is based on the sample rate.

    • when we use more samples, our resolution in the frequency domain increases

    • however, we don’t see more frequencies

    • we have to increase the sample rate for this

Exercise 47

If we put \(n\) samples into the FFT, we get \(n\) values out, which represent different frequencies available in the time domain.

You want to see higher frequency components of your input signal, e.g., not only see up to 100 MHz, but 200 MHz. What would you do?

A. Increase sampling frequency B. Decrease sampling frequency C. Increase the number of samples D. Decrease the number of samples

  • if the sampling rate is 1 MHz, then we will see signals up to 500 kHz.

  • each bin corresponds to \(f_s / N\) and in case of real signals, the diagram is symmetrical

Negative frequencies#

  • natural signals do not have a negative frequency

    • negative frequency is just a representation in the frequency domain

  • a negative frequency is a frequency lower than the center frequency

Exercise 48

Which absolute frequency range do we get with an SDR if we sample at a rate of 10 MHz?

Order in time does not matter#

Exercise 49

FFT does not care whether a specific frequency component came first or last.

How would you distinguish a signal and its mirrored version, which is flipped along the vertical axis using FFT?.

FFT in Python#

We will try to understand and visualize some aspects of FFT using Python.


If you don’t have a Python environment, you can use the web-based JupyterLite. It comes with numpy and matplotlib libraries pre-installed, which we will use.

Try the following code.

%pip install ipywidgets
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from ipywidgets import interact
from numpy.fft import fft, fftshift

def plot(samp_freq=100):
    t = np.linspace(0, 1, samp_freq)
    y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 5 * t) + np.sin(2 * np.pi * 10 * t)
    Y1 = fft(y)
    plt.plot(Y1, label="fft")

    Y2 = fftshift(fft(y))
    plt.plot(Y2, label="fftshift(fft)")

    plt.xlabel("frequency (Hz)")
  • np.fft.fft(s)

  • Warning about the x values in fft and fftshift(fft): FFT begins at frequency=0 continues up to N-1, however the frequencies N/2 up to N-1 represent negative frequencies from -N/2 to 0. In fftshifted case, the frequencies are arranged from -N/2 to -N/2-1.

Exercise 50

  1. You want to visually make sense of a complex number. Which two properties of complex numbers are useful for this?

  2. How can we get these properties in Python?

Exercise 51

  1. What does the function np.fft.fftshift() do?

  2. Why do we want to use this function?

Exercise 52

You apply fft() and fftshift on np.sin(20 * 2 * np.pi * t). At which t value/s do we get a peak/s?


  • FFT assumes that the sample we provide repeats itself. If the end of the signal does not match the beginning, then we get a sudden transition. This in turn introduces high-frequency components that are not actually present in the original signal.

    • solution: multiply with a function that has its high in the middle and smoothly decreases towards sides.

Exercise 53

We apply windowing to get rid frequencies that not actually present in our signal.

Where do you see the effect of windowing in the frequency plot on this figure

  • we can stick to the Hamming window

FFT sizing#

  • best FFT size is an order of 2

  • common sizes: 128 to 4096

Exercise 54

The common sizes for FFT are between 128 and 4096. Otherwise the FFT computation may take too long. Imagine you have much more than 4096 samples. How would you transform the signal using FFT?

Spectogram / waterfall#

  • a visualization of spectrum

  • spectogram vs waterfall plot

    • typically the spectrum shows 2D data – magnitude over frequency

      • bunch of FFT spectrums stacked together

    • if we want to visualize these 2D data over time, then our data has three dimensions

    • we could visualize the data using a heatmap

    • alternatively, we can use three axes like this. This is a waterfall plot.

  • not to be confused with waterfall charts. More info here

Exercise 55

Where could the word waterfall in waterfall plot come from?

Exercise 56

The following code creates a sequence of values that represent a signal with frequency f.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

samp_rate = 1e6
t = np.arange(1024*1000) / samp_rate
f = 50e3 # Frequency of the tone
x = np.sin(2 * np.pi*f*t) + 0.2 * np.random.randn(len(t))
plt.plot(t[:200], x[:200])

Which component represents the noise?

Exercise 57

The following is an excerpt from a spectrogram code:

spectrogram[i,:] = 10*np.log10(...**2)

Why do we square the signal?

FFT implementation#


Exercise 58

Compare this representation with the FFT implementation below:

import numpy as np

def fft(x):
    N = len(x)
    if N == 1:
        return x
    twiddle_factors = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * np.arange(N//2) / N)
    x_even = fft(x[::2])
    x_odd = fft(x[1::2])
    return np.concatenate([x_even + twiddle_factors * x_odd,
                           x_even - twiddle_factors * x_odd])

The implementation breaks the input into x_even and x_odd and applies FFT separately on these components. If a scalar is reached, then it applies the butterfly operations and returns an array (by concatenation).

Where in the diagram do we see that the results of the inputs with even indexes are concatenated with results of inputs with odd indexes?